Have you been wondering whether Auckland has a 20 hours ECE licenced early learning centre to suit your child aged over three? At Wee Wisdom Montessori Preschool in Drury, South Auckland, we provide the 20 hours early childhood education (ECE) service for eligible children to get them off to a good start.
Anyone can apply for 20 hours ECE, with the New Zealand government subsidising all children attending early learning centres. As a result, the costs of enrolling your child to begin attending our early learning service can be fully subsidised for 6 hours a day and up to 20 hours per week.
So, our learning centre is available for all children in Auckland. Feel free to give us a call if you would like information regarding the 20 hours ECE higher funding subsidy, and we’ll help you get things sorted.
Wee Wisdom Montessori, Auckland, is local children’s perfect early childhood education service. We enact the Montessori method of early childhood education, with our experienced teachers delivering an early learning service that empowers every child to perform self-guided activities and gain independence.
Our learning environment is deliberately designed with constructive learning in mind, supporting children’s exploration through our safe space. Activity options are each laid out for your child’s independent choice, while we dedicate sufficient time and input for children to make the most of each diversion.
Employing authentic Montessori education is a differentiating factor for our centre when you search online for a “kindergarten near me“. We excel at early childhood education through each staff member dedicating themselves to supporting the children we care for, with a generous balance between indoor and outdoor time and sufficient lengths being scheduled for each part of the routine.
We give children freedom of choice, limiting their choices to the options we implement, which are catered to the individual interests of the kids in our care. We teach children to learn responsibly, enact self-discipline and work socially with their peers of varying ages. Our form of unobtrusive observation lets children problem-solve while we ensure that we offer an excellent teacher-to-child ratio to protect the safety of each child.
We adhere to expectations for Te Whāriki, New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum, and are a registered early learning service for 20 hours ECE. Eligibility for 20 hours ECE ends on a child’s sixth birthday, at which age our cohort will be confident in their abilities and taking on primary school, graduating from early childhood education.
20 hours ECE is a significant childcare subsidy for early childhood education, where all children can receive free early learning service via the system, paid directly from the Ministry of Education to our team. We understand the high other costs of childcare, suggesting the 20 hours ECE subsidy as a valuable tool to provide an excellent education for your child at our service. So, let’s get you started at our early learning service with an enrolment form to sort out when your child attends our centre.
We pair your child with dedicated long-term staff who deliver an early learning service with creative techniques and Montessori activities. Registered for the 20 hours ECE higher funding subsidy, your kid can be confident when transitioning to primary school. In our care, children are encouraged to be sociable and empowered with a fundamental understanding of centre learning, gaining skills in mathematics, language, culture and more.
If you contact our team, we can help explain 20 hours ECE funding rates and give you informed advice from our extensive knowledge of the childcare subsidy process. In addition, we are committed to developing strong relationships with children and their parents. We suggest the parent attend our centre when first seeking a partnership with us to ensure that our values are aligned, and the 20 hours ECE funding is correctly enacted.
Our excellent facilities accommodate children aged six months to six years, and we can cater to any pre-school childcare needs. The childcare subsidy works with 20 hours ECE service and is looked after by Work and Income, so select our team today and ensure you gain eligibility for the subsidy.
An essential aspect of our service is interaction with parents. We understand the intricacies of the 20 hours ECE funding, which the New Zealand Government subsidises. Send us a message if you have questions about our methods, and we’ll ease your anxiety.
We hope to meet with you and make certain that we are aligned with your values, so fill out our enrolment form, call (09) 294 7978 or email admindrury@weewisdommontessori.co.nz. We’ll help you determine your funding rates and sort your child’s hours, keeping real and actual costs in mind to keep you covered by the 20 hours ECE service.